
Window Expeditions

Help us with our research and have fun by sharing how you experience your surroundings. Simply take a few minutes to describe how you experience your surroundings – long or short, home or roadtrip, poetic or descriptive, the choice is yours…


Window Expeditions Achievements






Countries / Regions

As Featured On:

Discover hidden treasures of our world

In Window Expeditions you can explore contributions other participants have written all over the world. From New Zealand over India and Sweden to the USA and Chile, let the adventures begin!


Participate in an ongoing science project

This project started during the COVID-19 pandemic and our aim was to share our excitement about how words can be used to describe our world, even when we couldn’t experience far away places so much. We use the results in our research about landscapes. You can explore the contributions on our world map in English, French and German. The more contributions we can generate the more fun it will be to explore the world in words.



You can share and explore Window Expeditions either as a registered user or anonymously.


The more the merrier! More contributions by more people means more to explore.

Real results

We use the contributed data to scientifically analyse how we interact with landscapes.

On the go

You can take part anywhere at any time as often as you would like. The only limit is one description per hour.

Make your mark

Put your favourite places on the map! You could be the first person to describe an area.


We allow any natural language so be as poetic or descriptive as you would like to express yourself.